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Handling & Driving a Yacht Safely

driving a yacht

As boating season approaches, you are likely itching to be at the helm of your yacht. The warm weather and water may beckon, but before you head out, it’s a good idea to review a few tips about safe handling and driving. Managing and driving a yacht isn’t necessarily all that different from maneuvering a smaller one. However, if something goes wrong, the consequences can be much greater.

Many accidents on the water are avoidable when drivers have the skills and mindset to handle most situations that lead to accidents. Brushing up on safety reduces your risks and decreases the likelihood that you’ll have to file a claim with your OC yacht insurance provider. Here are a few tips to keep in mind handling and driving a yacht or safely.

Think Things Through

It’s easy to be reactive when you get caught in a challenging situation. If you take a moment to think things through, you’re far less likely to run into problems. Knowing your pivot points helps you plan your turns. When you understand how to use your warps, it allows you to maneuver a turn within the length of your craft. No matter what situation you find yourself in, think through each of your maneuvers carefully, planning for how you’ll handle each step of the process.

Take It Nice and Slow

It pays to take it slow when driving a yacht. Remember, once it has some momentum behind it, a larger vessel takes a lot longer to slow down, change direction, or come to a stop. When you have to steer through a challenging course, going nice and slow allows for a better response from your craft. Likewise, if you have to switch your steerage from ahead to astern, you’ll regain control much more quickly when your speed is low.

Plan for Worst-Case Scenarios

Nobody wants to face a worst-case scenario, but you should plan for it anyway. When you do, you are more likely to be able to avoid them. It allows you to visualize what might go wrong, as well as how you’ll handle things if you get in a tough spot. Before you engage in any maneuvers in tricky situations, determine whether or not you have a way out. Devise an exit strategy. If there isn’t one, you may want to consider whether it’s worth it to continue. Your boat safety checklist should include all of the gear you may need to handle challenging situations.  

Check Your OC Yacht Insurance

Before you take your first trip out, make sure your insurance coverage is current. You may want to ask for a yacht insurance quote to ensure you have the right policies for your vessel. Many companies provide discounts for yacht captains who take a boat safety course. It’s also a good idea to check on what waters you are covered in and whether there are additional provisions — such as contractual liability coverage — that are useful for damages caused by unusual circumstances.

About Mariners Insurance 

Mariners General Insurance Group was founded in 1959 to protect boat owners and marine business clients. We are marine insurance experts and insure boats worldwide – in every ocean on the planet. Marine insurance is critical if you own a boat or nautical business. Trust the professionals with all of your Boat Insurance needs – trust Mariners Insurance. Call us at (888) 402-5018 any time you have questions or concerns about insurance for your vessel or marine business.
